
Overall 2022 Result

Council-Wide Results

It was an easy hold onto their leading position for the SNP, advancing slightly in both votes and seats, up one to 20. Although swings overall weren’t massive, the Conservatives felt the bite here, and with a failure to pick up enough transfers slipped into third in seat terms with 8 councillors despite remaining a clear second in votes. Labour’s static vote nonetheless saw them gain two seats to hit 11, whilst Lib Dems remained steady in seats, still underrepresented despite a slip in their vote.

The Greens, contesting every ward for the first time, made a respectable showing by crossing the 5% mark. STV’s lack of proportionality counted against them however, as they surprisingly failed to make a breakthrough in the George Street and Harbour ward that was one of their best chances for a breakthrough nationwide. Things were therefore rounded out by 2 Independents once again.


After the election, an agreement was reached to form an SNP-Lib Dem administration.

Interactive Map


Scotland’s third largest city has two particular claims to fame. Historically, it had as many Universities to its name as the entirety of England did, a fact it had a lot of fun with at the time. And in more modern times it has been Scotland’s oil and gas capital – though that’s perhaps a more uncomfortable status to hold in an era of pressing need for climate action. Both of these have brought the city a degree of affluence that somewhat tempered the typical leftwards lean of Scotland’s other industrial cities.

That meant that through much of the democratic era, Aberdeen’s representation in the UK parliament was split between Labour in the north and Conservatives in the south, though Labour would intermittently win both until they gained a more solid hold in 1997. The SNP won both seats in 2015, though Aberdeen South returned briefly to historic Conservative form in 2017. At Holyrood the three seats started out two Labour and one Lib Dem – again, it was the south that was odd-one-out – before the SNP gained one in 2003, and they’ve held all three since 2011.

Though Labour were the dominant force in the city council through the late 20th century, failing to win a majority in the old district just once in 1977, they typically faced a very strong Conservative group. Through the 80’s and into the 90’s the Lib Dems would slowly grow their strength to become the city’s second force, culminating in them taking the lead in the final FPTP elections in 2003.

Previous STV Elections


Individual Ward Results

Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone (Ward 1)

Councillors and Key Stats

4 Councillors, in order elected:
🟑SNP: Gill Al-Samarai
πŸ”΅Conservative: Avril Mackenzie
🟑SNP: Neil MacGregor
πŸ”΄Labour: Barney Crockett
Change vs 2017: No change
Electorate: 16446
Turnout: 41.2%
Valid: 6598 (97.5%)
Spoiled: 168 (2.5%)
Quota: 1320


🟑SNP: Gill Al-Samarai
🟒Green: William Ball
πŸ”΄Labour: Barney Crockett
🟠Lib Dem: Peter Heald
🟑SNP: Neil MacGregor
πŸ”΅Conservative: Avril Mackenzie
πŸ”΅Conservative: Braiden Smith
🟣Family Party: Amy-Marie Stratton

Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone: First Preferences
Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone: Transfers
Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone: Results by Polling District
Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone: Second Preferences
Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone: Two-Candidate Preferred

Bridge of Don (Ward 2)

Councillors and Key Stats

4 Councillors, in order elected:
🟑SNP: Alison Alphonse
πŸ”΅Conservative: Sarah Cross
🟑SNP: Jessica Mennie
πŸ”΄Labour: Nurul Hoque Ali
Change vs 2017: +1 Labour, -1 Independent
Turnout: 45.5%
Electorate: 15216
Valid: 6793 (98.0%)
Spoiled: 137 (2.0%)
Quota: 1359


πŸ”΄Labour: Nurul Hoque Ali
🟑SNP: Alison Alphonse
🟣Family Party: Harald Bartl
πŸ”΅Conservative: Sarah Cross
🟠Lib Dem: Mevrick Fernandes
🟒Green: Sylvia Hardie
🟑SNP: Jessica Mennie
πŸ”΅Conservative: Matthew Watt

Bridge of Don: First Preferences
Bridge of Don: Transfers
Bridge of Don: Results by Polling District
Bridge of Don: Second Preferences
Bridge of Don: Two-Candidate Preferred

Kingswells, Sheddocksley and Summerhill (Ward 3)

Councillors and Key Stats

3 Councillors, in order elected:
🟠Lib Dem: Steve Delaney
🟑SNP: David Cameron
πŸ”΄Labour: Ken Blake
Change vs 2017: Labour +1, Conservative -1
Turnout: 42.0%
Electorate: 11504
Valid: 4752 (98.3%)
Spoiled: 82 (1.7%)
Quota: 1189


πŸ”΄Labour: Kate Blake
🟑SNP: David Cameron
🟠Lib Dem: Steve Delaney
🟒Green: David McGrath
🟑SNP: Sam Ochola
🟣Family Party: Dawn Smith
πŸ”΅Conservative: John Wheeler

Kingswells, Sheddocksley and Summerhill: First Preferences
Kingswells, Sheddocksley and Summerhill: Transfers
Kingswells, Sheddocksley and Summerhill: Results by Polling District
Kingswells, Sheddocksley and Summerhill: Second Preferences
Kingswells, Sheddocksley and Summerhill: Two-Candidate Preferred

Northfield and Mastrick North (Ward 4)

Councillors and Key Stats

3 Councillors, in order elected:
🟑SNP: Donna Clark
🟑SNP: Ciaran McRae
πŸ”΄Labour: Gordon Graham
Change vs 2017: No change
Electorate: 11686
Turnout: 32.5%
Valid: 3674 (96.6%)
Spoiled: 129 (3.4%)
Quota: 919


πŸ”΅Conservative: Nestor Carlsen-Devereux
🟑SNP: Donna Clark
🟠Lib Dem: Sam Forman
πŸ”΄Labour: Gordon Graham
🟀TUSC: Lucas Grant
πŸ”΄Labour: Graeme Lawrence
⚫Alba: David Maitland
🟒Green: Louise McCafferty
🟑SNP: Alex Wilson

Northfield and Mastrick North: First Preferences
Northfield and Mastrick North: Transfers
Northfield and Mastrick North: Results by Polling District
Northfield and Mastrick North: Second Preferences
Northfield and Mastrick North: Two-Candidate Preferred

Hilton, Woodside and Stockethill (Ward 5)

Councillors and Key Stats

3 Councillors, in order elected:
🟑SNP: Hazel Cameron
πŸ”΄Labour: Deena Tissera
🟑SNP: Neil Copland
Change vs 2017: SNP +1, Conservative -1
Turnout: 38.9%
Electorate: 11018
Valid: 4154 (96.8%)
Spoiled: 137 (3.2%)
Quota: 1039


🟑SNP: Hazel Cameron
🟑SNP: Neil Copland
πŸ”΅Conservative: Freddie John
🟣Family Party: Jakub Kurpanik
🟒Green: Peter Kennedy
🟠Lib Dem: Sam Petchey
πŸ”΄Labour: Deena Tissera

Hilton, Woodside and Stockethill: First Preferences
Hilton, Woodside and Stockethill: Transfers
Hilton, Woodside and Stockethill: Results by Polling District
Hilton, Woodside and Stockethill: Second Preferences
Hilton, Woodside and Stockethill: Two-Candidate Preferred

Tillydrone, Seaton and Old Aberdeen (Ward 6)

Councillors and Key Stats

3 Councillors, in order elected:
🟑SNP: Alexander McLellan
πŸ”΄Labour: Ross Grant
🟑SNP: Kairin Van Sweeden
Change vs 2017: No change
Turnout: 30.7%
Electorate: 8872
Valid: 2616 (95.9%)
Spoiled: 111 (4.1%)
Quota: 655


πŸ”΅Conservative: Vish Archer
🟠Lib Dem: Eileen Delaney
🟣Family Party: Graham Elder
πŸ”΄Labour: Ross Grant
🟒Green: Ashish Malik
🟑SNP: Alexander McLellan
βšͺIndependent: Peter Nicol
⚫Alba: Robert Reid
πŸ”΄Labour: Shona Simpson
🟑SNP: Kairin Van Sweeden

Tillydrone, Seaton and Old Aberdeen: First Preferences
Tillydrone, Seaton and Old Aberdeen: Transfers
Tillydrone, Seaton and Old Aberdeen: Results by Polling District
Tillydrone, Seaton and Old Aberdeen: Second Preferences
Tillydrone, Seaton and Old Aberdeen: Two-Candidate Preferred

Midstocket and Rosemount (Ward 7)

Councillors and Key Stats

3 Councillors, in order elected:
🟑SNP: Bill Cormie
πŸ”΅Conservative: Emma Farquhar
πŸ”΄Labour: Jennifer Bonsell
Change vs 2017: No change
Turnout: 43.5%
Electorate: 10979
Valid: 4689 (98.2%)
Spoiled: 85 (1.8%)
Quota: 1173


πŸ”΄Labour: Jennifer Bonsell
🟑SNP: Bill Cormie
πŸ”΅Conservative: Emma Farquhar
🟒Green: Alex Jarvis
🟑SNP: William MacKenzie
🟠Lib Dem: William Sell

Midstocket and Rosemount: First Preferences
Midstocket and Rosemount: Transfers
Midstocket and Rosemount: Results by Polling District
Midstocket and Rosemount: Second Preferences
Midstocket and Rosemount: Two-Candidate Preferred

George Street and Harbour (Ward 8)

Councillors and Key Stats

4 Councillors, in order elected:
🟑SNP: Michael Hutchison
🟑SNP: Dell Henrickson
πŸ”΄Labour: Sandra MacDonald
🟠Lib Dem: Desmond Bouse
Change vs 2017: +1 Lib Dem, -1 Conservative
Turnout: 28.3%
Electorate: 12378
Valid: 3427 (97.8%)
Spoiled: 78 (2.2%)
Quota: 686


🟠Lib Dem: Desmond Bouse
βšͺIndependent: Mac Ahmed Chaudry
🟑SNP: Michael Hutchison
🟑SNP: Dell Henrickson
🟒Green: Guy Ingerson
πŸ”΄Labour: Sandra MacDonald
πŸ”΅Conservative: Shane Painter

George Street and Harbour: First Preferences
George Street and Harbour: Transfers
George Street and Harbour: Results by Polling District
George Street and Harbour: Second Preferences
George Street and Harbour: Two-Candidate Preferred

Lower Deeside (Ward 9)

Councillors and Key Stats

3 Councillors, in order elected:
πŸ”΄Labour: M Tauqueer Malik
πŸ”΅Conservative: Duncan Massey
βšͺIndependent: Marie Boulton
Change vs 2017: No change
Turnout: 55.5%
Electorate: 12555
Valid: 6886 (98.8%)
Spoiled: 84 (1.2%)
Quota: 1772


βšͺIndependent: Marie Boulton
πŸ”΄Labour: M Tauqueer Malik
πŸ”΅Conservative: Duncan Massey
🟠Lib Dem: Alexander Palmer
🟑SNP: Ewan Ritchie
πŸ”΅Conservative: Gillian Tebberen
🟒Green: Daniel Verhamme

Lower Deeside: First Preferences
Lower Deeside: Transfers
Lower Deeside: Results by Polling District
Lower Deeside: Second Preferences
Lower Deeside: Two-Candidate Preferred

Hazlehead, Queens Cross and Countesswells (Ward 10)

Note: The area around Countesswells doesn’t seem to have an appropriate polling district in the dataset I’ve used for the maps. I’m not sure as to why that is, but it may be related to the fact it’s a new development.

Councillors and Key Stats

4 Councillors, in order elected:
🟠Lib Dem: Martin Greig
βšͺIndependent: Jennifer Stewart
🟑SNP: John Cooke
πŸ”΅Conservative: Ken M cLeod
Change vs 2017: +1 Independent, -1 Lib Dem
Turnout: 51.1%
Electorate: 15281
Valid: 7736 (99.1%)
Spoiled: 72 (0.9%)
Quota: 1548


🟑SNP: John Cooke
πŸ”΅Conservative: Lars Frevert
🟠Lib Dem: Martin Greig
πŸ”΅Conservative: Ken McLeod
πŸ”΄Labour: Mohamed Mosobbir
🟒Green: Becky Rafferty
βšͺIndependent: Jennifer Stewart

Hazlehead, Queens Cross and Countesswells: First Preferences
Hazlehead, Queens Cross and Countesswells: Transfers
Hazlehead, Queens Cross and Countesswells: Results by Polling District
Hazlehead, Queens Cross and Countesswells: Second Preferences
Hazlehead, Queens Cross and Countesswells: Two-Candidate Preferred
Hazlehead, Queens Cross and Countesswells: Two-Party Preferred

Airyhall, Broomhill and Garthdee (Ward 11)

Councillors and Key Stats

3 Councillors, in order elected:
🟠Lib Dem: Ian Yuill
🟑SNP: Derek Davidson
πŸ”΅Conservative: Ryan Houghton
Change vs 2017: No change
Electorate: 11842
Turnout: 50.1%
Valid: 5872 (99.1%)
Spoiled: 55 (0.9%)
Quota: 1469


🟑SNP: Derek Davidson
πŸ”΅Conservative: Ryan Houghton
πŸ”΄Labour: Logan Machell
🟒Green: Harry Rafferty
🟠Lib Dem: Ian Yuill

Airyhall, Broomhill and Garthdee: First Preferences
Airyhall, Broomhill and Garthdee: Transfers
Airyhall, Broomhill and Garthdee: Results by Polling District
Airyhall, Broomhill and Garthdee: Second Preferences
Airyhall, Broomhill and Garthdee: Two-Candidate Preferred

Torry and Ferryhill (Ward 12)

Councillors and Key Stats

4 Councillors, in order elected:
🟑SNP: Christian Allard
πŸ”΅Conservative: Michael Kusznir
πŸ”΄Labour: Simon Watson
🟑SNP: Lee Fairfull
Change vs 2017: No change
Electorate: 15012
Turnout: 34.1%
Valid: 4997 (97.6%)
Spoiled: 123 (2.4%)
Quota: 1000


⚫Alba: Brian Allan
🟑SNP: Christian Allard
βšͺIndependent: Paul Dawson
🟑SNP: Lee Fairfull
🟒Green: Esme Houston
🟀Libertarian: Oren Katz
πŸ”΅Conservative: Michael Kusznir
🟠Lib Dem: Gregor Mcabery
βšͺIndependent: Simon Mclean
πŸ”΄Labour: Simon Watson

Torry and Ferryhill: First Preferences
Torry and Ferryhill: Transfers
Torry and Ferryhill: Results by Polling District
Torry and Ferryhill: Second Preferences
Torry and Ferryhill: Two-Candidate Preferred

Kincorth, Nigg and Cove (Ward 13)

Councillors and Key Stats

4 Councillors, in order elected:
🟑SNP: Alex Nicoll
πŸ”΅Conservative: Richard Brooks
🟑SNP: Miranda Radley
πŸ”΄Labour: Lunn Thomson
Change vs 2017: No change
Turnout: 37.4%
Electorate: 13058
Valid: 4797 (98.3%)
Spoiled: 82 (1.7%)
Quota: 960


⚫Alba: Charlie Abel
πŸ”΅Conservative: Richard Brooks
🟠Lib Dem: Moira Henderson
🟒Green: Heather Herbert
🟀Libertarian: Bryce Hope
🟑SNP: Alex Nicoll
🟑SNP: Miranda Radley
πŸ”΄Labour: Lynn Thomson

Kincorth, Nigg and Cove: First Preferences
Kincorth, Nigg and Cove: Transfers
Kincorth, Nigg and Cove: Results by Polling District
Kincorth, Nigg and Cove: Second Preferences
Kincorth, Nigg and Cove: Two-Candidate Preferred

Data Notes

Changes in Affiliation

Barney Crockett (Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone), from πŸ”΄LabourΒ to βšͺIndependent; left the party in June 2023 in protest at North Sea oil and gas policies.

Alex Nicol (Kincorth, Nigg and Cove), from πŸ”΄Labour to 🟑SNP; left the party in October 2024, having given up leadership earlier in the year, citing dissatisfaction over the direction of the group.


Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone (Ward 1) - 23rd of February 2023

Councillors and Key Stats

1 Councillor Elected:
πŸ”΄Labour: Graeme Lawrence
Change vs 2022 (notional): Labour Gain from SNP
Change vs vacating: Labour Gain from Conservative
Turnout: 28.2% (-12.9)
Electorate: 16926
Valid: 4725 (99.0%)
Spoiled: 47 (1.0%)
Quota: 2363
3 Continuing Councillors:
🟑SNP: Gill Al-Samarai
🟑SNP: Neil MacGregor
πŸ”΄Labour: Barney Crockett


⚫Alba: Charlie Abel
🟑SNP: Tomasz Brzezinski
🟠Lib Dem: Mevrick Fernandes
🟒Green: Sylvia Hardie
πŸ”΅Conservative: Akila Kanthaswamy
πŸ”΄Labour: Graeme Lawrence
βšͺIndependent: Simon McLean
🟣Family: Amy-Marie Stratton

Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone By-Election: Context

Conservative councillor Avril MacKenzie sadly died in November 2022, triggering a by-election for the 23rd of February 2023.
Read the BBS pre-election preview here.
Read the BBS results analysis here.

Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone By-Election: First Preferences
Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone By-Election: Transfers
Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone By-Election: Results by Polling District
Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone By-Election: Second Preferences
Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone By-Election: Two-Candidate Preferred