Central Scotland Region
Total MSPs Elected 2016
9 SNP (all Constituency)
4 Labour (all Regional)
3 Conservative (all Regional)
Glasgow Region
Total MSPs Elected 2016
9 SNP (all Constituency)
4 Labour (all Regional)
2 Conservative (all Regional)
1 Green (Regional)
Highlands and Islands Region
Total MSPs Elected 2016
7 SNP (6 Constituency, 1 Regional)
3 Conservative (all Regional)
2 Liberal Democrat (all Constituency)
2 Labour (all Regional)
1 Green (Regional)
Lothian Region
Total MSPs Elected 2016
6 SNP (all Constituency)
4 Conservative (3 Regional, 1 Constituency)
3 Labour (2 Regional, 1 Constituency)
2 Green (all Regional)
1 Liberal Democrat (Constituency)
Mid Scotland and Fife Region
Total MSPs Elected 2016
8 SNP (all Constituency)
4 Conservative (all Regional)
2 Labour (all Regional)
1 Liberal Democrat (Constituency)
1 Green (Regional)
North East Scotland Region
Total MSPs Elected 2016
9 SNP (all Constituency)
5 Conservative (4 Regional, 1 Constituency)
2 Labour (all Regional)
1 Liberal Democrat (Regional)
South Scotland Region
Total MSPs Elected 2016
7 SNP (4 Constituency, 3 Regional)
6 Conservative (4 Constituency, 2 Regional)
3 Labour (2 Regional, 1 Constituency)
West Scotland Region
Total MSPs Elected 2016
8 SNP (all Constituency)
4 Labour (3 Regional, 1 Constituency)
4 Conservative (3 Regional, 1 Constituency)
1 Green (Regional)