UK General Election 2019

GE19 – The Headline Results

The first UK General Election I ever voted in was 2010, and in Scotland it was an extremely boring affair. It really feels like every General Election since then has been making up for that boredom, and yesterday’s dramatic results were no different. […]

Proportional Representation

Long Read – Ballot Box Britain: GE 2017 Under PR

As something a bit different for a pre-Election long read, I take one last look back at the 2017 General Election. It’s a rare whole-UK moment for Ballot Box Scotland, as we take a trip through the alternate reality of having used Proportional Representation instead of First Past the Post the last time we elected the House of Commons. […]

Polling and Projections

YouGov, 29th Nov-3rd Dec 2019

With just a week to go until the General Election, YouGov have very kindly obliged us with another poll that folk can use to frantically lead those last-minute runes. It also includes Holyrood voting intention which is this project’s bread […]

Polling and Projections

Panelbase, 20th-22nd Nov 2019

Bit of a surprise Polling and Projections post this one, off the back of Panelbase’s poll from the 20th to 22nd. I only do these posts when there’s Holyrood data, and the initial release of data was entirely Westminster and […]