Polling and Projections

YouGov, 23rd-25th April 2019

After nearly a year’s absence, YouGov have finally re-emerged with an absolute peach of a Scottish poll. All three parliaments plus the first proper Independence VI since December, making it almost worth the wait. […]

Polling and Projections

Survation, 1st-4th March 2019

This Survation poll actually (mostly) predates the Panelbase, but seems to have been sat on for a week before details were published. Hence this appearing the day after the post about the later poll did. Confusing, right? […]

Polling and Projections

Panelbase, 2nd-6th March 2019

Two whole months plus one week into 2019 and we finally have some Scottish polling! Hurray! However, it’s another Panelbase. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth or anything, but it’s been a long time since a Survation, […]

Polling and Projections

Panelbase, 30th Nov-5th Dec 2018

Panelbase, with these all these polls you’re really spoiling us. For the third month on the trot there’s been a batch of Panelbase polling out, seemingly taking YouGov’s place as the other semi-regular pollster alongside Survation. Display format; Party – […]

Polling and Projections

Panelbase, 2nd-7th Nov 2018

After two years of silence on the Scottish polling front from Panelbase, since June they’ve been quite regular, with another poll conducted earlier this month emerging on Sunday night. It’s taken me a couple of days to get to a […]

Behind the Scenes

The Overhang Oddity

In my polling and projection posts, I’m finding myself quite regularly referring to a concept called “overhang“. This is a quirk of mixed electoral systems like the Additional Member System (AMS) we use for the Scottish Parliament and similar systems […]

Polling and Projections

Survation, 18th-21st Oct 2018

We’re being treated to a second proper Survation poll this month, with another carried out from the 18th-21st of October for the Daily Record. I’m not sure what we did to deserve this, but wouldn’t it be nice to have […]