Polling and Projections

Panelbase, 20th-22nd Nov 2019

Bit of a surprise Polling and Projections post this one, off the back of Panelbase’s poll from the 20th to 22nd. I only do these posts when there’s Holyrood data, and the initial release of data was entirely Westminster and […]

Polling and Projections

Panelbase, 18th-20th June 2019

Panelbase and the Sunday Times seem to have settled into a pattern of monthly polling, with this June poll being their fourth month on the trot. We’re now at the point it’d be really quite lovely for another paper/pollster partnership to pop up and do so regularly, as Panelbase is now completely dominating the Scottish polling output. […]

Polling and Projections

YouGov, 23rd-25th April 2019

After nearly a year’s absence, YouGov have finally re-emerged with an absolute peach of a Scottish poll. All three parliaments plus the first proper Independence VI since December, making it almost worth the wait. […]

Polling and Projections

Survation, 1st-4th March 2019

This Survation poll actually (mostly) predates the Panelbase, but seems to have been sat on for a week before details were published. Hence this appearing the day after the post about the later poll did. Confusing, right? […]

Polling and Projections

Panelbase, 2nd-6th March 2019

Two whole months plus one week into 2019 and we finally have some Scottish polling! Hurray! However, it’s another Panelbase. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth or anything, but it’s been a long time since a Survation, […]