Polling and Projections

Survation, 25th – 26th of February 2021

This poll brings a year-long streak of Independence leads in polling to a close, with a very narrow lead for the Union. It otherwise brings Survation in line with other pollsters in terms of the ordering of parties by vote share, and results in the narrowest SNP majority in some time. […]

Polling and Projections

Survation, 1st-4th March 2019

This Survation poll actually (mostly) predates the Panelbase, but seems to have been sat on for a week before details were published. Hence this appearing the day after the post about the later poll did. Confusing, right? […]

Polling and Projections

Survation, 18th-21st Oct 2018

We’re being treated to a second proper Survation poll this month, with another carried out from the 18th-21st of October for the Daily Record. I’m not sure what we did to deserve this, but wouldn’t it be nice to have […]