Polling and Projections

Poll Analysis: ComRes 23rd – 28th of June 2022

As the First Minister fires (or, perhaps, misfires) the starting gun for a prospective second Independence referendum, polling finds the constitutional question remains firmly stuck on an almost even split. Labour meanwhile continue to cement their position as second most popular party ahead of beleaguered Conservatives. […]

Polling and Projections

Poll Analysis: ComRes 26th of April – 3rd of May 2022

On the eve of local elections, the Conservatives’ worst poll since last year’s Holyrood ballot doesn’t bode well for Douglas Ross. Labour show their strongest second place in recent months, whilst Greens return to a record high. The Lib Dems reach their highest list vote of the term, contrasting with the SNP’s lowest. […]

Polling and Projections

Poll Analysis: ComRes 14th – 18th of January 2022

The first poll of 2022 is both oddly boring yet intriguing. Though the Conservatives add a poor Scottish poll to their poor GB-wide trends, Labour don’t benefit at all, with the Lib Dems instead gaining. The constitution remains evenly split, whilst voters are unconvinced on adding Devo Max to the mix. […]